Whether by chance or by intention you have just entered
into a unique realm of knowlege. The door to the minds
of our writers has been opened to you by an anomalous
key - the URL in your web browser. Each article found
here, like a piece of a larger puzzle, will enhance your
understanding of what goes on in each of our writer's
minds, what makes us tick, who we are. We welcome you
to explore with one goal before you: insight into the mind
of another. To fully grasp the purported theme of this
collection of compositions please refer to our first article,
"The Elusiveness of Thought", composed by our editor.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Creating the Ultimate Fantasy Football Team Name

“Brute Farce.”

This was the name of the league my good friend and partner-in-crime, Axon, came up with for a new Fantasy Football league he wanted me to be a part of. Read it again to yourself. Read it out loud. Then read it again.

Now, perhaps it’s just me, or even an opinion only the minority holds—but I feel foolish every time that I remind myself that I belong to a Fantasy Football league called “Brute Farce”. (In my friend’s defense, I have heard and seen worse, and it apparently wasn’t bad enough to discourage me from joining it.)

And it is in this spirit that I begin my first editorial/commentary called ‘Desktop Quarterback’. That is, the importance of a name in the realm of Fantasy Football.

Why a Good Name Is Needed
Well, the first reason would be so that you wouldn’t belong to anything called “Brute Farce” (Again, I tease Axon, but I’m sure I will get my own in the weeks to come). However, there are a few compelling reasons to go to some, even many lengths to come up with a pinnacle name.

First, to guys, Fantasy Football is a status competition. (Yes, I acknowledge there are girls that do this Fantasy Football thing as well, but they in general remain far less competitive.) The same reason that office mates compete in a Fantasy Football league is the same biological reason that the actual athletes perform in the game—the need to prove one’s self against his peers. Some of us are more humble than others, and many of us try to better ourselves, but you can be sure when it comes to Fantasy Football, that humility is checked at the door.

Thus, as a competition, a team manager is representing himself by his team. Everything about a player’s team represents the ego he brings to the game. Much more is needed, therefore, than just having Tom Brady, Andre Johnson and Peyton Hillis on one’s roster. Like the advertising business, you have to present yourself properly. After all, you really don’t want to be known by your fellows as the ‘Pac Man Ghosts’ (real team name, apparently).

Not a very good team mascot...

Second, in the same vein, you are not just comparing a series of points and numbers against another person’s points and numbers. In a guy’s (or girl’s) mind, he is in fact the owner, operator, head coach, and talent scout of a real life football team. You actually own Peyton Manning. You pay the check for Sidney Rice. Fantasy Football is called Fantasy because, to a guy, it is a Fantasy as much as he is a virtuoso guitarist or a streetwise ladies’ man. If you doubt this fact, you try and ask the team owner in your league that owns DeSean Jackson if he’s interested in a trade for your backup TE.

There are other reasons I’m sure a good name is important—but that isn’t what this article is here to argue. What we are here to discuss is how to come up with such a name.

Categories of Names
First and foremost, a good name is not an exact science. Quick: What is the best meal for supper next Wednesday? There’s no way to know what you’d want then, because your tastes change. Further, you might answer that question differently than even your own spouse or best friend. Comparatively, then, a great team name to a gang of white-collared paper pushers in Seattle might be mediocre to a manufacturing warehouse in central Georgia. There are factors to consider, and even after considering them, it really boils down to personal preference.

However, there are certain things we can take into consideration to make a team name better than most. To come up with a team name that sounds good to you, your fellow owners, and the average listener at work, we will examine four categories of names. Borrowing something from at least 3, if not all 4, of these categories is optimal. We will call them the four ‘I’s.

Intimidation: Imagine you own every player we’ve used as an example so far in this article. Now imagine that your team name is the Brightland Ponies. There might be a certain je ne sais quoi to beating another team in your league with the least masculine sounding team name, but chances are that even if you win out in your league, you still have to go to work the next day and tell your non-football fanatic friends that you won as the Brightland Ponies.

From the get-go, having a tough-as-nails sounding team name sparks a little fear in your opponents. At the very least, it garners respect. It’s a mental game—‘this week, I’m playing the Ponies, but next week, I’m going against the Netherworld Ogres’. World of Warcraft images aside, the latter would, at least to the average mind, be more respectable. This is why you don’t see actual NFL teams named the Gardeners, the Cashiers, or the Fanny Packs. Look at the fans in Oakland—they aren’t wearing rainbow suspenders in support of their team. Image goes a long way in proving a point even before the battle begins.

A comparitively better mascot...

Imitation: One of the fun aspects of Fantasy Football is that we get to personally act on something that we’ve enjoyed watching or grew up sharing with family and friends. Because of this endearing quality of the sport, there is an inclination to want to share that heartfelt desire with our make-believe team. Many, many times, you will see a person’s actual ties with football reflect in a team name.

Take my hometown fantasy league—the one I personally take part in with my friends. ‘The Gators’ and ‘Da Behrs’ were two of the teams. (Granted, the Gators are not NFL and ‘Da Behrs’ is a pun on the owner’s last name, but the relation is still there.) You will easily come across mascots of a team borrowed (say, using your hometown as the place and your favorite pro team as the ‘whatever’), and on average, at least 1 or 2 of these exist per league. Some view this as a sense of plagiarism, but in honesty, the homage that is paid makes the team name reflective of that person’s life experience with football, and who are we to turn it down?

Imagination: Creativity is a cornerstone of respect among men. Let’s use my hometown league again. My friend’s last name is Hay. His team? ‘The Haymakers’. See, that’s clever, and uses two of our points so far—a Haymaker is indeed intimidating, and the play on his own name makes it imaginative. Another team goes the same route with the ‘South Georgia Rage’. Anthropomorphizing qualities is always a creative route to go. (Other examples might include ‘The Buzz’ and ‘The Shock’.) While puns are a point of argument among individuals for their value, in Fantasy Football a well created pun can go miles (see ‘Da Behrs’ and ‘Haymakers’ above).

A person might also take a hobby and convert it into a team name. In my personal case, I’ve taken a land and character class from a Fantasy story that I particularly love and made it into my team—The Ivalice Dragoons. Though I got some snickers at first for using a video game as my team name, no one questioned my creativity, and once the initial laugh was over, no one thought ill of it again. (The same certainly could not be said of the T’Rizzle T’Bolts—actual team… so learning the fine line on this point is important.)

Idiocy: Normally, I would be very against this category in coming up with a team name. Then again, as I’ve alluded to a few times, the concept of a team name is left to interpretation as to it’s worth. Take a look at these two pictures—the team names of two leagues I’m in. Notice that both of my team names—the Ivalice Dragoons and the Narshe Returners—are on par as far as their style. Which one seems out of place? (Hint: The one that is surrounded by goofy team names.)

If one’s league is full of zaniness, that’s absolutely fine. After all, competitiveness is just one aspect of the male psyche; the ability to goof off and be illogical at times is clearly another. Naming your team the ‘Hungry Big Macs’ or ‘I EET YOUR HEAD!’ is certainly acceptable if this week you’re playing against a team called the ‘Captain Rons’.

Coming Up With the Name
Well, I went way too long in describing the types of names. If you’re still reading, you either have far too much trust in my advice or have skipped ahead. If you have read everything up to now, you can start to see that coming up with a name is based off of a few variables that must be considered first—the league’s average disposition, the league’s make-up, and the level of shame you can endure.

There are many procedures for coming up with a name, but the one that I have found the most effective is to brainstorm on paper. (I can claim experience in name-creation, as I have come up with 4 band names, countless album names, and even was responsible for naming a human being. I used the same procedure for all of these, fantasy football team included.) How is this accomplished?

Simple. Grab a piece of paper. Go ahead—I’ll wait. Now, take a writing utensil. In this case, a pen works best, because even if you think an idea is stupid, you want to leave it on the page until the bitter end—a pencil is too impermanent and you might be tempted to erase. For fantasy football, you will want to make two separate columns: one for ‘places’ and one for ‘mascot/things’.

Depending on your desire to be realistic or to cater to the fourth above category, your places might not actually be ‘places’. To sound like an actual team, it would be best that it at least makes some sort of sense—if you care to go the fourth road, you simply need to come up with a phrase or group of syllables, and thus separating into two columns is not necessary. For anyone who wants to sound halfway realistic, the two-column approach is best. For column two, you might want to expand beyond just animals or tangible objects (thus achieving creativity or Imagination). Coming up with my most recent team names, I wrote such tangibles as ‘Paladins’ ‘Templars’ and ‘Ballistas’, along with intangibles that sounded cool, such as ‘Blitz’ and ‘Rebellion’. (Notice that I was going heavy on the Intimidation factor this time around.) Next, randomly pair up column one with column two, going one at a time to see how they sound out loud and how they physically appear. Your team will be read and said aloud multiple times throughout the season—it has to make sense in both forms.

If after trying all of your selections, you find nothing that sounds and looks pleasing, put the paper down for a little bit and come back after some time. Creatively speaking, you can run out of figurative ‘think juice’ if you try too hard. Later when you’re more calm and relaxed, you might add more to the list. Do not erase your old choices—because on a fresh mind, they might sound better than the first go-through.

Say the name out loud to a close friend, preferably somebody who is also a fantasy football player (though not necessarily in your league, though it is fine if they are). How do they react? A smile? A shrug? A nod? Any three of these are alright. A laugh, followed by a “I’m just kidding” can work as well. You would want to think twice if the initial reaction is a head slap, an eye roll or a friend deletion off of Facebook. Have a backup ready just in case when testing out your name.

There also is (usually) no hard rule on keeping the same name all season. Usually a person can incorporate all four of the above categories by having a ‘default’ team name that sounds intimidating and serious, but switch off during specifically timely times. For instance, one of my fiercer rivalries in my hometown league is the Cougars. One week, I had changed my league name mascot to the ‘Cougar Hunters’. Goofiness and innuendo aside, I was pleased with it for the week, and changed it back right after. At the end of last year, my team was doing so poorly that I had changed my team name to ‘The Glass Joes’ and my mascot image to Glass Joe from Punch-Out fame. So, the lesson here is also don’t feel that you are permanently tied down to the name (unlike the case with my daughter). If it comes down to crunch time and the league is about to start, just throw something generic up until you have a chance to come up with something better. That said, however, it takes some of the fun and ‘fantasy’ out of being a team owner if you are constantly changing the name of your team.

Fantasy football is supposed to be fun. Keep that in mind. The name is not the most important part of the experience, but like a sprinkle of salt or a cool frosty Budweiser, it adds to the overall experience. Consider the creation of a team name as the first step to building your franchise, nay, your empire in the realm of fantasy football. Build your way to the top so that everyone will quiver in fear as you trample their worthless teams game after game in the realm of make believe stats, rising to the top of the league known to all as ‘Brute Farce’.

Or… maybe not.


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

100% Independent Facebook

Quick – what do you think of when you hear ‘100% Independent’? I mean, besides thinking that it quite frankly sounds pretty ridiculous. For years now it’s been the catchphrase of the Deep Elm record label – a label that I’ve often enjoyed over the years (and which I just found out is ‘digital only’, no CDs…hmmm I think I’ve got another article). Bands like White Octave, Appleseed Cast, and Benton Falls (just to name a few) have all released albums through them, and even though I haven’t browsed through their collection of late, I’m sure they still have some solid bands on there. However, I’ve always found the ‘100% Independent’ thing to be a little grating and obnoxious. I mean, any time you have to loudly shout ‘look at how (insert trait here) we are!’ aren’t you trying just a little bit too hard? Why can’t you just be what you are, and let your listeners and fans form their own opinions, you know, independently?

I’m not focusing so much on that – as I’ve said, I’ve always been a fan of the label and the good to awesome bands and albums they support and sell. Not to mention they often give away free downloads of compilations and albums. I’m not going to get into how ridiculous even the ‘independent’ label can be. I get what their trying to say, and I appreciate it. Rather, it’s the juxtaposition of that label and a little marketing they’ve started doing lately.

Because I’ve purchased albums from them in the past, I’m on their e-mailing list. I usually don’t mind these emails, as I do like to keep up with what their new releases are, and sometimes snag the sweet free downloads. I’ll browse them and then just delete them. Recently, I saw a great offer:

Friends of Deep Elm:
We're giving away a F R E E Album every week for the rest of 2011,

Sweet! A free album a week! Tell me how I can get this goodness! I know you guys are all about power to the people, keeping yourselves out of the corporate fray! You’ll probably let me download it direc-

but in order to get them you have to LIKE our Facebook Fan Page located at:
http://on.fb.me/deepelm You will then get a message on you wall every time we post another comp album.

Albums are given away All Day on Wednesdays Only during Eastern Standard Time (EST). Links will NOT be posted on our Twitter account or on our News page, as this is a special program for Facebook Fans only.

What? Seriously, Deep Elm? I hate Facebook, but that is neither here nor there. Let’s think about this for a second. Deep Elm...

...and the most popular social networking site on the Internet! How is Facebook ‘independent’? How is it not ‘mainstream’? How is releasing free music ONLY on Facebook ‘independent’ AT ALL?

So what you’re telling me, Deep Elm, is that in order to get a free album of your viciously ‘independent’ music a week, I have to jump off the bridge with everyone else and join Facebook? So, I have to follow the crowd in order to be ‘100% Independent’?

I don’t know what else to say. I wouldn’t even have such a problem with it if they didn’t trumpet their independence so loudly and in-your-face. The least they could do is offer the free album to all of their fans, not just the Facebook ones. I mean, I get the fact that Facebook is the new media (at least, for now), and while I might not like it I realize that companies are using it to build support. Fine. Going back to the question at the beginning though, when you hear ‘100% Independent’, do you think Facebook?

Maybe Deep Elm could try doing something oh I don’t know, independent, and not penalize their fans who want to actually stay that way.


The Elusiveness of Thought

As a child, opening a door when we had no clue what stood on the other side could be quite a chilling experience. Yet, most of us chose to press ahead regardless of our fears due to some overwhelming need or goal. Take for example having to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night while staying at our grandparents house for the first time. After gathering the courage to open the guest bedroom door we found, not some scary monster waiting for us on the other side, but an unfamiliar path to explore in search of the facilities. In an RPG world a message would have appeared above our head: "Level up. Experience points gained." Then again, if we really were in an RPG world there probably would have been a monster on the other side of the door.

As we grew most of us gained the courage to open doors without hesitation, and, in fact, we now seek out unexplored places where new experiences lie waiting to be discovered. Yet, one of the most richly abundant sources of knowledge and new experiences is also one of the hardest places to explore: another person's mind. When I see the thought processes working hard in another person I often wonder to myself, "What is going on in their mind? What are they drawing from in their past that is causing this very normal experience to be so pensive or emotive? What conclusions are they drawing that differ from mine?" Unlike the child I once was, I no longer fear what is on the other side of closed doors. I crave the knowlege that opening it and exploring the unknown realm beyond will bring. Yet, I find that the 'door' to a friend's mind is often locked. "What are you thinking about?" I'll quietly ask. "Nothing." is the common response. Frustrated I silently create new, unexplored worlds of thought behind my own unlocked but unopened door.

The goal of this collective series of articles is to open the door to the weekly thoughts of myself and my fellow committee of writers. Each week we will have a few articles published by one or more of us opening the door for you to explore our indivdual personality, thoughts, emotions, etc. While some articles may venture into deeper subjects the point is to give a realistic view into the mentality of each writer. Therefore, by design, no topic is out of harmony with this forum; sports, life experiences, hobbies, travel, goals, updates, humor, pop-culture, games, complete nonsense - whatever the writer wishes to share will be posted unabridged.

Likewise, you are invited to leave your comments with clear expressions of your views. They will be left unaltered with the exception of any unclean content which will cause your post to be deleted.

We are excited about this new venture and hope you will enjoy it as much as we do. Articles and snipits will begin to be posted later this week and every week so be sure to check back soon and often.
